OpenSearch Support & Consulting Services

Elasticsearch Open Source Support Services.

OpenSearch Support

Excelerate Systems has been involved with the OpenSearch project from the beginning.

Leverage our extensive knowledge of Elasticsearch since 2014 we are able to provide trained and experienced OpenSearch consultants and support personnel.

We can provide fine-tuning, configuration, optimization support for your OpenSearch cluster including extensive capabilities for OpenSearch’s Security modules.

ELK Stack

Excelerate Systems has been working on the Elastic Stack
(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and Beats) since 2014.

We have trained and experienced ELK consultants and support personnel.

We can provide fine tuning, configuration, optimization support for your ELK
cluster including support for Marvel – Elastic’s monitoring plugin.

(Please note – this service is not a substitute for X-Pack subscription – we only provide support for the free/open source elements of the ELK stack.

Searchguard (community)

Searchguard community version is completely free to use.

As the authorized partner for Searchguard in the Americas for the community and Enterprise versions we have extensive experience and capabilities of Searchguard.

Please note this service is for the community version. If you need a subscription and support for the Enterprise version, please contact us.

Eliatra Support and Consulting Services

We all know and love Open Source software. However, from a business point of view, there are several questions you

need to consider when using such software for mission-critical data and processes:

To whom can I refer to when there are any questions regarding setup, configuration or system integration?

What can I do when there are issues with the software in my production environment?

What can I do when I encounter a bug in the software?

Since most Open Source projects are community-driven, you cannot sign any support contract with the maintainers of the project. Instead, you need to rely on community forums, blog posts, or other sources should you have any questions or issues.



Elasticsearch is the nexus for gathering and storing the log data and it is not exclusive to Logstash. 

Another great data collection solution on the market is Fluentd, and it also supports Elasticsearch (amongst others) as the destination for it’s gathered data.

So using the same data repository and frontend solutions, this becomes the EFK stack.

Open Source Elastic monitoring

Head (or es-head) has three major operations. We also support Kopf and elasticHQ which offer similar functionality

1. A ClusterOverview, which shows the topology of your cluster and allows you to perform index and node level operations.

2. A couple of search interfaces that allow you to query the cluster a retrieve results in raw json or tabular format.

3. Several quick access tabs that show the status of the cluster.

Open Source Support Services

Customers can report issues and ask for help through our online support portal, email or by phone.

Support hours are 12×5 M-F.

We offer a P1- P3 SLA with P1 mission critical and P2 – key features unusable and P3 – not operating as documented.

On Open Source products, we do not offer P4 (enhancement and bug fix requests)

Our standard contract provides for 20 tickets per year.

For more details please, Contact us below.

If you’re interested in Elastic Stack Support or have additional questions, get in touch with us!

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Corporate Head Quarters

2205 152nd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052

+1 (425) 605 1289

Latin America

(Mexico, Colombia & Chile)

Mexico City

Córdoba 42 Int. 807, Roma Norte, Cuauhtémoc, 06700, Mexico City

+52 (55) 5255 1329

United Kingdom


85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, W1W 7LT

+44 2030 971584



77 Camden Street Lower, Dublin, D02 XE80, Ireland

+353 71 915 9710

Search Guard is a trademark of floragunn GmbH, registered in the U.S. and in other countries. Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries. Apache, Apache Lucene, Apache Hadoop, Hadoop, HDFS and the yellow elephant logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. OpenSearch is licensed under Apache 2.0. All other trademark holders rights are reserved.